Nancy Wonder, Ph.D.

Florida Licensed Psychologist
Certified Internal Family Systems™ Therapist

About Dr. Wonder

Nancy Wonder, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist, is in private practice in Tallahassee, Florida. She began her journey with Internal Family Systems in 2003, when she saw Richard Schwartz introduce the model in a training outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Wonder loved the body-centered approach of IFS along with the insight gained through internal experience, as this blended well with her research in imagination and Jungian psychology. Dr. Wonder completed her Level I training in 2005 and was subsequently chosen to serve as a program assistant for several years. She then acted as an Assistant Trainer, helping lead trainers pioneer the “retreat” style trainings.

Currently, Dr. Wonder serves as a Senior Faculty for Toni Herbine-Blank’s Intimacy From the Inside Out (IFIO), a couples program based on I.F.S. She also serves as an assistant trainer with Center For Self-Leadership. She has been very active as an assistant trainer, having participated in over 8 trainings. She also played a significant role in establishing a research instrument, working in conjunction with the IFS Foundation, which is an independent organization furthering research in the IFS model.

Dr. Wonder has a passion for the Internal Family Systems Model. She has been described as a warm, humorous, and clear teacher. She currently uses IFS as her predominate paradigm while doing therapy. She offers consultation to therapists who are learning the IFS model and the IFIO model. In addition, Dr. Wonder published a case study in the book Internal Family Systems: New Dimensions.
